(Embroidery Group) |
Friday |
10.00am - |
Thursday |
12.00 noon - | |
Afternoon Group (2nd Monday) |
2.00pm | |
Evening Group (3rd Wednesday) |
8.00pm |
Alwoodley Quilters |
2nd Tuesday of each month |
9.45am - |
Thursday |
10.00 - | |
Moor Allerton Elderly Care Group - |
for over 60s | |
3rd Thursday of each month |
1.30 - | |
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Parish Prayer Group |
Contemplative Prayer |
Ministry of Healing |
Cursillo |
Interfaith Contacts |
Friday Group - Embroidery |
Luncheon Club |
Mothers Union |
Moor Allerton Art Club |
Keep Fit |
MAECare |
Townswomen's Guild |